
Lucie Hendry

todayMay 13, 2023 126 5

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    Lucie Hendry Norrie Hunter

Lucie Hendry is one of those rare talents to come out of Scotland and reinvent harp music by moving abroad. By moving to  Denmark she has taken full advantage of the Nordic Jazz scene over there. The result is a fabulous juxtoposition of Scottish traditional harp fused with wonderful guitar and drums. Sometimes fusion can be very messsy but this recording of Land of Eden is just perfect. For purists it may take a few listens to get in the groove but one cannot escape the technical genius of Lucie. Every track is an original and with it a freshness that reaches your ears. The guitarist Dennis Iversen has a range of riffs and jazz licks along with a range of sounds from his effects unit.  For example on Mourning Moon a fast paced harp is joined by a jazz funk guitar with a range of licks and tricks to accompany the harp. It really breaks traditional barriers in a very positive way. The fact that two different genres can intertwine with such great effect is a tribute to the hard work of all three musicians. Christoffer Skovhus is the man with sticks and boy does he add so much flourish to the music. “I don’t feel I can be a musician who creates music for the sake of creating music’ says Lucie and with this album she has given us a real treat. I can imagine drinking a glass of wine on a sunny evening listening to Land of Eden and feeling warm inside. Perhaps this is music for listening on your own avoiding any white noise and thinking life does not get any better. I would urge all to get a copy of this album and dare prove me wrong

Written by: Norrie Hunter

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